Vikinglotto is an international lottery. Since 1993 it’s played in many countries in Northern Europe, and Lithuania joined in 2011. In 2015, the Viking Loto image and communication platform was updated in Lithuania, but very unsuccessfully. After they said goodbye to the Vikings, however poorly-looking, the lottery lost any possible character. Therefore, in 2016, it was decided to renew the image again. This challenge has come to us. We had to create a successful identity and communication platform that, firstly, clearly positioned Viking Loto, separately from Teleloto and Eurojackpot lotteries, which belong to the same client portfolio. Besides, the campaign had to solve the barrier in people’s mind that, when so many countries play in the lottery, it seems that the chances of Lithuanians are small.
We found a clue during our research – when gamblers win, they really enjoy it, and if the money pot comes “from someone rich “– they enjoy it even more! Vikings, as well as other Europeans, are considered to be rich, compared to the statistical Lithuanians. So if we can win money from the pot that consists of the wealth of other countries – it’s the best. Therefore, we’ve come up with the slogan “Loto – vikingų, laimėjimai – mūsų” (Lotto belongs to Vikings, Victory – to us), and created a very distinguished campaign. We brought back the Viking, but heavily updated it, so that it would look more cinematic, less domestic. The character is shown in various situations getting frustrated over the loss of the pot, while Lithuanians are shown celebrating the victory euphorically.